Saturday, October 2, 2010

Rude Behavior By Tech Student Residents

Saw this scene on Saturday morning around 11:00.  This house is located at the SW corner of 31st and Flint.  I constantly see students sitting outside and it appears they had a little shindig last night.   Stay tuned to see if it gets cleaned up.  We constantly hear from Tech students that they are good neighbors, misunderstood, stereotyped, etc.  Well this looks like a bunch of people who don't care about anything but the next good time. 

 You would think someone who drives a Mercedes would have more self respect than to leave trash in the yard for all to see.

Well they were drinking Keystone, maybe they are broke.


  1. Looks like the same car whos driver flipped me off as I was pulling into my driveway. Guess I didn't do it fast enough

  2. Looks like some of the houses with parties on my steet as well. I get tired of picking up this garbage that is making my home value plummet.

  3. Glad to see a group of people taking a stand against acts like this.

    Me, my wife and my 2 yr old daughter live on the 3300 block of 28th street right by indiana. There are 3 homes on that block that throw parties every weekends and guess who gets to pick up the trash. Certainly not the misunderstood tech students.
