Sunday, October 24, 2010

July Neighborhood Association Meeting Highlights

Brandy Davis submits highlights from July's Neighborhood Association meeting. 

Michael Martin, President, called the meeting to order at 5:35pm at Forrest Heights United Methodist Church. Dian Taylor, City of Lubbock Code Enforcement was recognized as guest and Sandy River was appointed Parliamentarian. Brandy Davis was recognized to take minutes.

An attendance sign-in sheet was sent around the room and is attached to these minutes.

Dustin Burrows, Organizational Committee Chair, introduced Revised Bylaws Committee members in attendance and gave a power point presentation including the definition of UNIT as a neighborhood association, the desire to increase and diversify leadership base, include representatives from equal parts of the neighborhood, and outline of leadership and volunteer structure. The proposed revised bylaws presented at today’s meeting will be voted on at the next association meeting. Copies were made available to those interested and he encouraged membership to contact him at with questions, further amendments for committee review or to request a hand-delivered copy. He stated that compromise was the final outcome of committee work over the past three months. John Howe asked that bylaws typos be corrected. Jerry Hubbard expressed concern with the number of votes and the number of votes per property. Susan Tomlinson spoke on behalf of the committee members. She stated that questions such as one vote per parcel of property or one per resident should be considered and discussed at the next meeting. Jerry Hubbard submitted his questions in writing. Clarification was requested by many in attendance on the question of how many votes per household and Dustin reminded everyone that the committee has no perfect solution or pride in ownership of the organization’s bylaws, summarizing that membership will determine final organization structure and procedural rules. The question was raised as to how voting would be authorized and Sandy Anderson, committee member, responded that all should remember we are not a homeowners association. Michael directed that any further questions be sent to Dustin and for members to read the full proposal on

Laura Anderson, Social Committee Chair, announced Movies in the Park on August 14th with the feature “Up!” beginning at sundown/8:50pm and children’s games beforehand beginning at 8:15pm. Laura reported 90-100 people in attendance at the first movie of the summer and 40-50 people in attendance at the second movie night. She announced the final movie on August 19th as “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” and recommended guests apply generous bug spray. Laura reports that the Holiday Home Tour has lined up coordinators and needs docents. Additionally, four homes have been secured and two more are still needed. Laura reminded everyone about National Night Out on August 3rd and reports that there is not a neighborhood wide event this year but encourages everyone to get out and meet their neighbors. Laura announced a fall Chili Cook-Off at Wagner Park and said the date would be set for October or November in order to enjoy cooler weather but not compete with Tech games, South Plains Fair or school events. Laura invited anyone interested to attend the Social meeting at Schlotzky’s on 19th at Memphis on August 12th at noon.

New residents of the neighborhood were introduced and welcomed: Dan Odom, Caleb Crow and Jen Danielle.

Helen Liggett, Aesthetics Committee Chair, addressed the two mandates the association had given her at the previous meeting. The initiative to privately hire LPD officers for Wagner and Tech Terrace park patrol was declined by the city saying that the patrol cars should be ticketing violators in the every day course of their duty. The initiative to request the Parks Board to invest the $65,000 earmarked for removal of existing pavilion and installation of a party/picnic pavilion be used instead to renovate the original and unique structure currently at Wagner Park was presented to the Parks Board and they asked Randy Truesdale to work with the UNIT Aesthetics committee. Helen encouraged membership to send letters to the Parks Board supporting the existing structure and expressly stating the desire to maintain a structure that will support WestWinds Brass Band acoustically. Helen introduced Nikki Klafka from CATS Theater and announced that Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew” will be performed this evening at Clapp Park at 7:00pm. Wagner Park was home to the annual Shakespeare performances for 14 years until requested to change locations by the city due to a citizen complaint. Nancy Menecke moved UNIT donate money that was previously allocated and voted to provide police patrols at Wagner Park at a cost of $900.00 be donated to Shakespeare in the Park under the condition it returns to Wagner Park next summer. Dustin Burrows seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Two members opposed the vote. It passed overwhelmingly. Helen invited anyone interested to attend the next open committee meeting on Sunday, August 7 at 7:00pm at J&B Coffee Shop in the neighborhood Plaza Shopping Center. Helen said she would put her letter to the Parks Board on the blog as an example for others to use when writing letters of support.

Mary Vines moved that “in addition to orally presenting a motion or amendment, the person making the motion will present it in writing to the secretary so that she can read it aloud.” Motion was seconded by Sandy River and passed unanimously.

Celeste Yoshinobu, Communications Committee Chair, announced that the paper newsletter being underwritten by Benchmark would be available at the end of September. She requested block captains sign up on the sheet at the front table and solicited content for the newsletter. Celeste invited anyone to join the committee at anytime and described the efforts of committee as a “work in progress.” Addressing the differences of electronic communications, Celeste distinguished the features and benefits of a blog, facebook, twitter and website. She clarified that a blog is an opinion and discussion forum, facebook and twitter are for notifications and event reminders, and a website’s audience is the general public outside of the neighborhood with information about the neighborhood.

Brandy Davis, Co-Chair of Safety, requested everyone in attendance to sign in on the attendance sheet (attached), solicited new volunteers for the Safety Committee as the original membership had signed up only to work with efforts to support the Tour de Tech Terrace and address safety and health issues related to the student event, and introduced Co-Chair Kevin Austin Keith, Tour de Tech Terrace event organizer. Austin reported that the Tour will be held on September 25th at 3:00pm and he is working with the city to obtain police escorts since a permit has been declined. The date was selected with input and direction from the police department for scheduling. He said he was increasing the number of port-o-lets and trash receptacles. Austin reported 620 cyclists in the spring event and addressed that the city parks department did not support a permit for use of park restrooms. He asked anyone with comments to contact him. Bill Martin stated that the majority of participants remain on the host home’s property, but at a few stops, 2-3 adjacent properties are impacted with carryover. Sandy Anderson voiced support for the Tour. Helen Liggett echoed support and requested fewer stops. Austin said that the length of time at first and last stops would be adjusted and invited anyone in the neighborhood to ride along. Brandy stated that Austin’s work with the association and police department is worthy of praise as this has been the only year to have a Tour organizer solicit feedback and work with the neighborhood to address concerns. Brandy reviewed the meeting that she and committee members attended after the spring Tour with Asst. Chief Esparza, Chief Holton, Dian Taylor, Randy Truesdale and Leann Dumbauld. Response from city officials was positive, but still unwilling to permit the event until several successful Tours have been executed. Brandy encouraged each block to take advantage of National Nite Out, Tuesday, August 3rd. NNO is a coming-together event of neighbors sponsored by Police Departments across the country for safety and crime prevention in residential areas. Everyone is encouraged to get out and talk to their neighbors, establish block safety protocols, and socialize. As every block is diverse and unique in UNIT, each section will have its own specific differences and needs. Brandy encouraged everyone to read the suggestions for home safety in the upcoming UNIT newsletter Celeste is assembling. She reports 2009 is a record year for property crimes (homes and cars) in three neighborhoods including Tech Terrace, Overton and Heart of Lubbock although property crimes overall are down in Lubbock. Between 20th and 22nd streets, there have been six break-ins through unlocked gates n two weeks. Please report all crimes or concerns—the police are responsive and need residents to make reports as this affects their neighborhood patrol routes. Brandy reported that of the original 12 committee members, two have moved outside the neighborhood and ten remain active: 5 homeowner residents and 4 homeowner student residents and 1 student renter. The committee formed last spring to support the Tour and the current committee members are interested in this focus. New committee members are needed to focus on broader safety issues. Sandy Anderson and Pete Ramos both volunteered.

Dani Brady, Chair of School Committee, was not present and no report was provided.

Dian Taylor, Codes Enforcement-City of Lubbock, informed membership that Michael Martin is the “watchdog” of the neighborhood and is vigilant in reporting suspected code violations. Together, they reported on two zoning hearings regarding homes on 30th street. Helen Liggett and Jerry Hubbard both attended the first hearing and spoke against the unpermitted conversions. It was defeated unanimously ruling that an unpermitted hobby shop had been converted to a residential apartment without a building permit. The second case is to be reconsidered on September 19th regarding 3114 30th street. Michael has information and details if anyone is interested in attending and speaking at the hearing.

Nominating Committee (Elaine Wilson, Marjorie Manning in absentia, Mary Vines and Patrick DeCesaro) submitted the following slate for officers to be voted upon at the October neighborhood association meeting:

Susan Tomlinson, President
Cyd Seideman, Vice President
Deanna Pearson, Secretary
Kirk Rodriguez, Treasurer

Mary Vines moved for acceptance of the slate as presented. There was no second and no vote taken.

Robin Parks, Yard of the Month Committee Chair, requested nominations be submitted to her directly or through the blog link no later than the 15th of the month prior to selection. The committee and those in attendance expressed praise for the exterior improvements at Lowe’s Corner Market on 26th and Boston.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:55pm by Michael Martin.

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