Thursday, September 23, 2010

Codes Anyone?

The following pictures were taken in the alley in the 2800 Block between 25th and 24th Street.  This was reported to Codes Enforcement through their website in June but nothing has moved.
If you embiggen this picture you can see there is a CAR in the back yard. 

From the City of Lubbock Codes Enforcement Website:

Includes neighborhood issues such as parking unpaved, junk stored outside and RV storage, as well as commercial property uses such as sign allotment, property use requirements, and landscaping. Violations are usually given between 1 and 10 days to be abated

Junk Vehicles:
Applies to vehicles that are on private property that have expired tags or inspection and have not moved in 30 days. Process begins with notice of violation, and then a public hearing is held for a order of abatement to be issued so the vehicle may be towed.

Not sure why this didn't go anywhere.


  1. That looks terrible, like no one cares.

  2. is there a code for over grown lawns??? this upset me so much to see these beautiful lots with overgrown sidewalks, shrubs and lawns.

  3. "is there a code for over grown lawns???"

    yes, call Codes -- 775-2123 or just call 311 and tell them the problem

    Weeds and Rubbish
    Covers uncultivated vegetation on private property and adjacent public property that has grown to a height over 8 inches and junk or debris that has not been properly disposed of. Property owners are notified by regular mail and by a posting placed on the property. Properties that remain in violation at re-inspection are put on mowers lists that are issued to private contractors for abatement.
