Sunday, August 14, 2011

August Yards Of The Month

2608 32nd Street
Matt Gaiser

2621 32nd Street
Judith Abernathy

3317 19th Street
Yolanda and Dana Palmer


  1. I love the yard of the month! However, the most recent (August 2011) selections are disturbing. In this time of drought with watering restrictions, maybe the committee could consider what Tech Terrace neighbors are doing with their yards to conserve water. I don't think this award should be given to those who abuse water, disregard the City restrictions, and disregard this precious resource

  2. Hey Anonymous, I agree with your last sentence and admittedly I have not taken a close look at those 3 yards. But the few (very, very few) people that utilize proper turf water management especially during a drought have green lush lawns that use far LESS water than those poor souls that just relentlessly sprinkle water on their yard in summertime and wonder why their turf is not healthy.

    Selection of proper grass, proper watering technique to develop a deep root system, weed management, proper cut height, etc are all factors that can give people a beautiful lush lawn by using LESS water than those that do not realize that a good healthy turf is easy and requires LESS water with simple year-around turf management.

    Hopefully, the people on that committee can detect who the water abusers are and who is using intelligent turf management. Congrats to those who are using no more water this year and still have a lush, healthy turf! John Winker
