Friday, January 28, 2011

January 2011 Neighborhood Association Meeting Summary

The Tech Terrace UNIT Neighborhood Association held their quarterly meeting on Thursday evening in the J.T. Hutchinson Middle School Cafeteria.  Fifty two residents attended. Pizza and lemonade were served.  After officer introductions, new president Susan Tomlinson explained that the recently approved bylaws divide the neighborhood into four quadrants with 26th Street and Elgin being the borders- each with board representation.  Two individuals expressed interest in representing the Northeast quadrant so the board proposed allowing both individuals to represent that section due to the higher concentration of homes in that area.  Some attendees expressed concern that one of the proposed quadrant reps had a conflict of interest due to real estate ventures.  The topic then turned to the new scourge of the neighborhood- absentee landlords/Tech Student Parents. After a lively discussion, the residents of the Northeast Quadrant voted 6-3 to allow the split.  The attendees then approved the board's recommendation.  
The quadrant representatives are:
Northeast- Teresa Greer and John Winker
Southeast-Jaime Nunez
Northwest-Patrick DeCesaro
Southwest- Sarah Pendley

President Tomlinson then communicated her vision of changing the culture of the neighborhood.  Tech Students are here to stay and their numbers will only increase.  She emphasized Safety, Friendliness and Community.  

Treasurer Kirk Rodriguez presented the financial report.  Kirk reported the Association has around $19,000 in the bank.  

Celeste Yoshinobu gave an update on Communication.  The website is still being refined and a paper newsletter will be out later in the Spring.  President Tomlinson reminded the attendees that UNIT News is not controlled by the neighborhood association.  

Sandy Anderson will head the Safety Committee.

Resident Dudley Winn of the Brothers Winn shared a story about the apprehension of a Peeping Tom in the 3000 block of 25th Street.  The father of the house had to prevent his Navy SEAL son from fragging the perp.  Dudley added that he has noticed a lot of people going door to door offering yard services.  He expressed concern that these people may actually be casing houses and urged neighbors to be vigilant.

Tech Terrace Park was also discussed.  This park has become the defacto dog park for the City.  According to nearby residents the park has never been cleaner.  Let's hope that trend continues.  

Holle Humpries, who is currently serving on the City's Homeless Committee, commented that she knows of three individuals who had taken up residence in Wagner Park and of others who were using early morning sprinklers as showers.  

Austin Keith reported that Tour de Tech Terrace is currently being scheduled with potential dates of April 16th, 23rd or 30th.  He reported that the event has gathered over 7,000 lbs of canned food for the South Plains Food Bank and the previous three events have occurred without significant incidents.  He urged anyone with questions to contact him at

President Tomlinson adjourned the meeting at 7:08 pm.  The attendees delivered the leftover pizzas to the Salvation Army.  

Marjorie Manning and Jaime Nunez

John Winker and Dudley Winn

Celeste Yoshinobu and Kirk Rodriguez

UNIT NA President Susan Tomlinson keeps us on the agenda

Darrell Vines enforces parliamentary procedure as Tim Vignos takes detailed notes.

Good to see younger residents at these meetings.

NW Quadrant Rep Patrick DeCesaro brings in the good stuff.


  1. Of course John Winker has big smile, he killed the old bylaws, chased away all the previous officers, he rewrote his own bylaws and has made himself a board member. CONFLICT OF INTEREST John Winker!

  2. Bold comments from Anonymous. Do you have facts?

  3. Other board members own rental property, too. I don't know Mr. Winker very well but do know that he and his business partners were instrumental in turning the shopping center around and its attractiveness and occupancy has added untold value to Tech Terrace. Anonymous: your tone is typical of the old officers. With their applauded exit, most of us were hopeful this type of negative tone would also disappear.

  4. Marjorie Manning and Darrell Vines showed true colors as a class act. The rest of the old guard took their toys and left. John Winker stayed and played nice. Class move.

  5. Rude and unproductive.
