Monday, July 12, 2010

Don't Let Your Guard Down

The following was shared with UNIT News by Dennis- a neighbor in the 2600 block of 21st Street.

Hi all,

My name is Dennis, and most of the time i just read the emails that are sent and rarely do i comment on anything. Although I keep track if most of the neighborhood decisions and meetings since I work for the city, I try to just listen and not get involved, but I care greatly about this neighborhood, this is where I went to school, and now where I reside with my wife on 2621 21st St. Just wanted to let everyone know to be careful. About 3 hrs ago, we heard a noise in the backyard that I didn't go check out. Sounded like tapping on the windows, and fell back asleep. We woke up to a brick through our back bedroom/office.... Someone tried to break in. Because of the repaving of 21st St and around the Boston area, we parked our car at a different location, and I guess someone thought my wife and I were not home. The police came by and tried to see if they could fngerprint anything laying around, but could not because of the rain. I wonder how long they had been looking at our house, since this was the only time we did not have our car parked in the driveway. All, please be careful. As of tomorrow morning, more security lights and an alarm system will be installed.  We hope this keeps burglars away.


So Lets Keep These Tips in Mind:
  • Keep all doors and windows closed and securely fastened. An open window or door is an open invitation for burglars. Thieves are also quick to spot weak locks that may be easily forced open. Doors should have deadbolt locks with a one inch throw and reinforced strike plate with three inch screws. All windows should have window locks
  • Secure sliding glass doors. Place a metal rod or piece of plywood in the track and install vertical bolts. These will help prevent burglars from forcing the door open or lifting it off the track.
  • Always lock the door to an attached garage. Don't rely on your automatic garage door opener for security.
  • Create the illusion that you are home by using timers on lights, radios and TV's. Making your residence appear occupied, even when no one is home, will deter criminals.
  • Keep the perimeter of your home well lighted. Installing low voltage outdoor lighting is a cost-effective way to discourage intruders, as well as highlight a house.
  • Never leave clues that you are away on a trip. Have a trusted neighbor collect mail and newspapers while you are away so delivered items do not accumulate. You can also ask a neighbor to park in your driveway or parking place to make it appear that you are present.
  • Keep some shades and blinds up and curtains open to maintain a normal, everyday appearance in your residence.
  • Never leave a message on your telephone answering machine telling people that you are away from home. A message that you will return at a certain time leaves your home vulnerable in the interim.
  • Be careful what you post on the Facebook- criminals use the computers they have stolen
  • Keep shrubbery trimmed away from entrances and walkways. While large, ornate hedges may be beautiful, they also provide a hiding place for burglars who need only a minute to break in through a window or door.
  • Organize a community watch program to protect your neighborhood. An alert community is a safe community.
Most petty thieves are lazy, a well lighted house with large loud dog is not is an inviting target.


  1. Thanks for the tips... so sorry to hear that happened. We were broken into not too long ago (about a week or so ago) and it's such a violating feeling! We live by Tech Terrace Park on 25th. I wish we had more security at night!

  2. It it a good practice to leave your front porch light on all night. One of those fancy CFLs will last for years.
